Friday, October 22, 2010

Senior Prom, 1968.  I had just washed the Ford LTD and ready to pick up my date.  I have no idea why having ill fitting too short pants was in, but there you have it.  I had to rent the tux.  My Dad insisted on taking the photo.  Senior Prom was a really big deal.


  1. So, who did you go with? And what were the big plans for the evening? I'm curious for the details of this "big deal"!

  2. Ha! We had a room at a fancy hotel, and we were going to post-function party. I was a member of a very popular clique. Rob Menary, Robb Martini, Steve Ossman, Joe Brizzolara, Rocco Guarnaccio, and a few others. I took this sweet Junior (whose name escapes me). There was drinking involved, and lots of fun. Although by today's standards it was quite tame.
