Monday, October 11, 2010

This was the official Maytag Christmas Card for 1953.  See the race car on the dresser?  That was really mine.  This was part of larger picture that included my model parents listening at the door, the tag line was me asking God to get my fake mother a Maytag Washing Machine.  Nice cross imagery over my head.  My parents got like a million of these free so we were set for a couple of Christmases.


  1. Dear Brian,

    I'm taking a shot in the dark here, but was your mother's name Mariellen by chance and was she by chance Fred Maytag's personal secretary?

    The reason I ask is that I'm doing a book about a man by the name of Chauncey "the bear hunter" Bottum who was one of Fred Maytag's good friends and I do know his personal secretary's first name was Mariellen.

    A google search of "Mariellen" and "Maytag" brought me to your blog page. It's my understanding that Chauncey was also good friends with Mariellen. Does any of this ring any bells with you? It seemed to me that you being the kid on the Maytag Christmas card might have been because your mom worked for Fred Maytag.

    Rest assured my inquiry is on the level, and I will respect your privacy. Sorry if this is way out in left field to you, but I just thought I'd inquire.

    Should you choose to do so, please contact me at your convenience at:

    Kurt M. Kuhlman

    1. If anybody has info on Fred Maytag's secretary or Chauncey the Bear Hunter, please email me at
